1-20 miles
AllSolo hiked Fri 11/08/24 – Spent a quiet night at Cottonwood Pass TH with a few animals scurrying around in the moonlight but no other fellow campers. Started really early on the Pass Trail, taking the connector to the Cottonwood Lakes Trail in cold (-1 C/31 F) but clear weather which was actually warmer than planned. Reached Cottonwood Lakes 3 & 4 at first light with nice sunrise reflections off their partially iced over surfaces. Old Army Pass was in good shape with little snow and no ice, making for an easy ascent. The cairned route up Langley was just as I remembered from last year, straight forward but a bit of a slog. The views from the summit were really spectacular with the clearest weather I’ve experienced this fall in the Sierra. After coming down Langley, I stopped just short of New Army Pass and headed east to Army Pass Point, climbing the summit boulder stack before heading to New Army Pass. From the pass, I followed the 180 degree cirque which provides a steady incline for the entire route to Cirque Peak. This was absolute fun, hopping nice, easy slabs and stable rock for the entire way, a nice rest after Langley. There was one section of less cooperative rock just west of the summit that was easily bypassed by heading slightly to the south. The views off the Cirque summit toward Mt Langley and the Cottonwood Lakes were quite panoramic, easily worth the trip up by themselves. Continuing on a south-southwest ridge route, I climbed a few boulder stacks before reaching Peak 12525 which had 3-4 summit blocks adjacent to each other of relatively equal height. After climbing up and down what looked like the tallest, I followed the ridge line down and then up an unnamed peak before again descending the ridge as it wound around to the west-northwest face of Trailmaster Peak. Before going up Trailmaster, I surveyed the 1300 foot direct descent from the summit down the south-southwest scree slope to Chicken Spring Lake which would let me pick up the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail). Since I would be doing it in the dark by headlamp, I took note of several rock features to use as waypoints on the descent. Once moving again, I got to enjoy a brilliant sunset while ascending Trailmaster which took very little time. After enjoying the summit views for 10 minutes with the last bit of light quickly disappearing, I started the descent by headlamp and had good luck with the scree skiing, stopping frequently to verify my route by GPS. I was able to find the PCT after walking around the lake which always gives a sense of relief as the workload reduces to following the trail out while having a few snacks. I’ve always enjoyed evening hikes out of the wilderness and this one was no exception with a clear moonlit sky and no wind. The PCT took me to the Cottonwood Pass Trail which was a nice way back to complete the day’s loop. Another fun day with great weather and really nice views worth patiently stopping for. I could have shortened the hiking loop to a more sensible one by skipping Langley (I would strongly recommend) but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it! I brought 2.5L of water and 1L of electrolytes which was more than enough for me, although I brought a filter as backup. Since Horseshoe Meadows Road to the Cottonwood Trailheads is subject to seasonal closure, I would recommend calling the Eastern Sierra Visitor Center (and ranger station) at (760) 876-6200 to find out if the gates are open before heading up. Logged 23.8 miles / 5516 vertical ft with Gaia
Solo hiked Fri 11/08/24 – Spent a quiet night at Cottonwood Pass TH with a few animals scurrying around in the moonlight but no other fellow campers. Started really early on the Pass Trail, taking the connector to the Cottonwood Lakes Trail in cold (-1 C/31 F) but clear weather which was actually warmer than planned. Reached Cottonwood Lakes 3 & 4 at first light with nice sunrise reflections off their partially iced over surfaces. Old Army Pass was in good shape with little snow and no ice, making for an easy ascent. The cairned route up Langley was just as I remembered from last year, straight forward but a bit of a slog. The views from the summit were really spectacular with the clearest weather I’ve experienced this fall in the Sierra. After coming down Langley, I stopped just short of New Army Pass and headed east to Army Pass Point, climbing the summit boulder stack before heading to New Army Pass. From the pass, I followed the 180 degree cirque which provides a steady incline for the entire route to Cirque Peak. This was absolute fun, hopping nice, easy slabs and stable rock for the entire way, a nice rest after Langley. There was one section of less cooperative rock just west of the summit that was easily bypassed by heading slightly to the south. The views off the Cirque summit toward Mt Langley and the Cottonwood Lakes were quite panoramic, easily worth the trip up by themselves. Continuing on a south-southwest ridge route, I climbed a few boulder stacks before reaching Peak 12525 which had 3-4 summit blocks adjacent to each other of relatively equal height. After climbing up and down what looked like the tallest, I followed the ridge line down and then up an unnamed peak before again descending the ridge as it wound around to the west-northwest face of Trailmaster Peak. Before going up Trailmaster, I surveyed the 1300 foot direct descent from the summit down the south-southwest scree slope to Chicken Spring Lake which would let me pick up the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail). Since I would be doing it in the dark by headlamp, I took note of several rock features to use as waypoints on the descent. Once moving again, I got to enjoy a brilliant sunset while ascending Trailmaster which took very little time. After enjoying the summit views for 10 minutes with the last bit of light quickly disappearing, I started the descent by headlamp and had good luck with the scree skiing, stopping frequently to verify my route by GPS. I was able to find the PCT after walking around the lake which always gives a sense of relief as the workload reduces to following the trail out while having a few snacks. I’ve always enjoyed evening hikes out of the wilderness and this one was no exception with a clear moonlit sky and no wind. The PCT took me to the Cottonwood Pass Trail which was a nice way back to complete the day’s loop. Another fun day with great weather and really nice views worth patiently stopping for. I could have shortened the hiking loop to a more sensible one by skipping Langley (I would strongly recommend) but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it! I brought 2.5L of water and 1L of electrolytes which was more than enough for me, although I brought a filter as backup. Since Horseshoe Meadows Road to the Cottonwood Trailheads is subject to seasonal closure, I would recommend calling the Eastern Sierra Visitor Center (and ranger station) at (760) 876-6200 to find out if the gates are open before heading up. Logged 23.8 miles / 5516 vertical ft with Gaia
Amazing feeling to be out on the JMT with no one there. This time of year is arguably the best because of traffic and no mosquitoes
Solo hiked Mon 10/21/24 – Got a midnight start with a nearly full moon to see the sunrise from the Whitney summit and it did not disappoint. Nibbled carbs all the way up with water but pushed harder going up Trail Crest than I should have to make the sunrise. Hiked up in a softshell and mid weight gloves but the summit was cold enough with a low wind (18°F on pocket thermo not counting wind chill) to add a down jacket and guide gloves. Once the sun was up, things warmed up nicely and the views were spectacular. Climbed Mt Muir’s summit block next which was the most fun of the day with a class 4 route up and a 3 coming down. Discovery Pinnacle was the last climb of the day, climbing the 2 highest pinnacles since the official pinnacle looked lower than its neighbor and there was enough time for both. I headed down a loose talus slope to rejoin the Whitney Trail right below Trail Crest which was the only real bad decision of the day as it took considerable time and effort to prevent the launch of any rocks downward towards the trail. I should have doubled back on the route ascended but what fun would that have been? Made it down to the 98th switchback before a moment of scree skiing, at which point I realized I was a bit tired for the pace and slowed things down a bit – best decision of the day. Conversed with quite a few people on the way down and made it back to the Portal Campground for some food, a fire and then some sleep. Amazing shoulder season weather not to be taken for granted kept things comfortable and provided awesome views for the entire day. It was less than two weeks ago coming down from Thor with snow, rain and wind on this trail. Logged 21.0 miles / 6669 vertical ft with Gaia
Solo hiked Sun 9/29/2024 - Not able to get a day permit, I opted for an overnight permit, camping at Iceberg Lake which worked out well. After driving what seemed like an easy 260 miles very early on a Sunday morning, I started up the trail from Portal just before 6 AM. Saw a nice sunrise from the E-ledges and knew it was going to be a near perfect weather day. I’ve never done this route without deep snow and North Fork ripping down the canyon so this trip was different. Some route finding through the willows was required after Lower Boy Scout Lake but absolutely no bushwhacking required. Rack and rope brought my pack weight up to 40 lbs. which was a bit heavier than planned, even after scaling back on “nice to have” items like a stove, warm food and more climbing hardware. Set up camp at Iceberg Lake, put everything in my tent except for climbing gear and headed south to Pinnacle Ridge to climb the cracks for a while. Some snow at the base wall made for an interesting start to things. Got back to camp in time to filter water, have some food and lay down before dark. Had to get up during the night to knead out some leg cramping down some electrolytes which made me second guess my Pinnacle Ridge choice before Whitney but gave me the opportunity to see an awesome night sky. It got down to 37°F so I didn’t have to sleep with water and batteries. Iceberg seemed like the perfect stopping point for a 2 day trip. Logged 4.4 miles / 4250 vertical ft with Gaia
Nice hike - quite not much traffic - I’d call moderate as the elevator is probably a little harder on those of us that live at sea level. Couldn’t really the trail past crystal lake to the aretta though
I'm very fond of this trail. It's a nice entrance to the JMT and the Silver Divide. I've done this hike at least a half dozen times since 1989, and it doesn't get old. Starting at the trailhead from the east, there are quaking aspen groves along McGee Creek, and three meadows before arriving at Big McGee Lake. (With a heavy backpack, that's about a seven-hour trip for me.) It's all scree from there to the pass, so booties for the dog are needed. It's much less traveled than the less arduous class 1 hikes, and the trail is well groomed to include a granite staircase with a spectacular view looking back toward the creek canyon. Starting at the JMT, adjacent to Tully Hole on the western side, it seems like more of a monotonous hike up to the pass and down to Big McGee Lake with no shade starting at about the halfway point up to the pass, but it's no less beautiful. Water is not an issue on either approach.
Amazing Day hike to explore above Hilton Lake 3 to Hilton Lakes 4 and 5. Soo many little streams flowing into lakes. Walk all the way up to the ridge of the glacier
Most underrated hike gradually all the way up only difficult part was the last 2 miles so many views encounter thunderstorms snow storms rain well worth it
Probably one of the best day hikes in Mammoth, in terms of distance and views. Lots of switchbacks towards Duck Lake but the views were worth it
Nice hike with pretty steep grade, switchbacking up to the mammoth crest trail. Lots of good lakes to see!
Really pretty hike to Gem Lake. Need to explore lakes above Gem Lake. You can climb up the boulders on far side of lake where official trail ends or you can make your way over to the right and walk up the drainage well before you get to Gem Lake
This track is only the return from Summit of Mount Galey back to our camp at third lake
Beautiful hike- also awesome bc you can decide to hang at Blue Lake or keep going to other Alpine Lakes
It was my second time summiting Whitney but first time from the east side as I had done it from the west on my JMT thru-hike a few years ago. First time summiting Mount Muir which was the highlight of the trip for me.
We backpacked to Trail Camp in warm temps, around 73°F, that felt hot in the sun but cool in the shade. It felt even better after a quick dip in the ice cold Trail Camp Pond. Sun passed over the ridge line around 7 PM and temps dropped to low 40s at night. Mosquitoes were not a problem.
On summit day I was bracing for the worst but pleasantly surprised my body handled the altitude well as I had barely any altitude acclimatization above 11k feet leading up to the trip. Trail conditions were good - water on the trail on the first section of switchbacks and virtually no snow until a small section the last quarter mile of the trail before the summit. It’s not difficult to traverse even without microspikes.
On the way, my buddy and I took a quick half hour detour to tag Mount Muir. Just off the main trail below the summit we hiked up the Class 2 ‘trail’ to the base of the summit. From there we climbed 75ft on Class 3 terrain to reach the summit block. There was a sketchy Class 5 move we didn’t have to make as we discovered the easier path on our down climb. So if you are about to throw a heel hook and mantle, that’s not the way! An easier path is just to the right of that. Maybe it was because it was my first time or the moves required but summiting Mount Muir definitely felt more rewarding than Mount Whitney.
We summited a bit after noon to a cloudless sky and clear views. It was great being on top of Mount Whitney again because I got to relive part of the JMT and had a different experience going up the standard route.
Downsides were the sad number of wag bags that were left on trail and the hike back to Whitney Portal is still the same slog as I remember.
Beautiful 3 day, 2 night trip up to the cottonwood lakes. Stayed at lake 5 and small lake near cirque lake. Beautiful scenery. Plenty of mosquitoes. Wasn’t so bad with a gentle breeze, but when the wind stopped on the third day they came out with a vengeance. Other than that. A beautiful trip.
Starts out in wooded uphill trail, remaining trail is generally gradual uphill. Nice views of lakes, but best when reach Barney Lake. Duck Pass (didn’t do this trip) leads to sitting above Duck Lake; here there are great views overlooking beautiful Sierra to the west.
Allows dogs. Absolute stunning views of High Sierra. Views are great from the start and continue to get better the further in, and the finish at Gem lake is outstanding. Plentiful water is available throughtout the trail.
Perfect trip in every way! Lots of exposure on the way up. Mid 80s during the day, 40s at night. Stayed at 2nd lake and day hiked around the lakes for 4 days. Snow at Lakes 4 and 5, but passable without spikes. Couldn’t get to Lake 6 or Glacier trail because of snow and mud. Summit Lake was beautiful!
Solo day hiked Thurs 11/9/2023 – Hiked to Sam Mack Meadow using the North Fork Big Pine Creek & Palisade Glacier trails. Light snow and several icy trail sections to navigate on the North Fork while the Palisade was entirely covered with a nice layer of powdered snow with good grip. Felt like a winter hike with clear weather but a 19°F/-7°C cold morning at the meadow. Traversed the snow covered talus field at the meadow’s SW end and up the drainage chute towards Sam Mack Lake until my ice axe poked through a void/bridge. Couldn’t skirt the sides of the chute with its deep Bergschrund like crevasses next to the ridge walls so I traversed right to the class 3-4 ledges and ran into unclimbable ice on the rocks. Went further right and up the ledges to Sam Mack Lake which has its first layer of surface ice. Even with the warmth of the sun, winter is knocking on the door. Down and back to Fifth, Fourth and Black Lakes on beautiful loop trails on the way out with a stop at the Lon Chaney Cabin to cap off a great fall season in the Sierra. Was nice to see the spectacular fall colors and capitalize on an unusual number of clear weather days during the last half of this year. Logged 16.6 miles/4411 vertical ft. with Gaia.
Solo day hiked Thurs 11/9/2023 – Hiked to Sam Mack Meadow using the North Fork Big Pine Creek & Palisade Glacier trails. Light snow and several icy trail sections to navigate on the North Fork while the Palisade was entirely covered with a nice layer of powdered snow with good grip. Felt like a winter hike with clear weather but a 19°F/-7°C cold morning at the meadow. Traversed the snow covered talus field at the meadow’s SW end and up the drainage chute towards Sam Mack Lake until my ice axe poked through a void/bridge. Couldn’t skirt the sides of the chute with its deep Bergschrund like crevasses next to the ridge walls so I traversed right to the class 3-4 ledges and ran into unclimbable ice on the rocks. Went further right and up the ledges to Sam Mack Lake which has its first layer of surface ice. Even with the warmth of the sun, winter is knocking on the door. Down and back to Fifth, Fourth and Black Lakes on beautiful loop trails on the way out with a stop at the Lon Chaney Cabin to cap off a great fall season in the Sierra. Was nice to see the spectacular fall colors and capitalize on an unusual number of clear weather days during the last half of this year. Logged 16.6 miles/4411 vertical ft. with Gaia.
Absolutely epic. Challenging and long, but just perfection. Clear trail, easy to follow even for the hours in the dark. Lifetime achievement unlocked.
Solo day hiked Thurs 11/2/2023 – Camped at the Mosquito Flat Backpacker’s Campground, getting up early and parking just off Rock Creek Rd at the now closed Rock Creek Lake Campground Rd. This added a nice road stroll from the north to east shores of Rock Creek Lake to the Tamarack Lakes Trailhead (and bear lockers). After reaching Francis Lake, I left the trail and climbed cross-country up on the north ridge talus as soon as possible, scrambling across it, eventually curving SSE to the summit base. I did meet up with one eastern bighorn at the ridge top which was a nice encounter. From here it was a fun climb up the Mt. Morgan summit over a “stack of dishes” type slab layout. The views were spectacular with a high cloud ceiling and little wind. From here, it was a down and back up northeast ridge climb to what I thought was the 12 Flags summit. After realizing that it was a false summit much like that encountered when going up Mt. Morgan, I ditched my pack for the last steeper summit ascent, reaching the real 12 Flags Summit. After “unsticking” the cap on the register pipe and signing in, I took a break and then headed NW and directly down the north chute. I was able to pick a careful route through good rock with only occasional rock movement. Poling off the bigger, ground set rocks/boulders allowed a more or less straight line descent down the center of the chute. Once back on the trail near Francis Lake, it was a cruise to the trailhead. No ice or bugs to deal with on this trip, just some firm snow and a lot of rock scrambling for one day, although quite fun! Logged 13.1 miles/4313 vertical ft. with Gaia
Solo day hiked Fri 10/20/2023 – Spent the night at Forks campground and was lucky enough to see the Orionid meteor shower. Early hike on the Bishop Pass Trail out to Ruwau Lake and then up the north face of Picture Puzzle. The talus was fun to climb but more unstable than even Agassiz with some of the largest boulders frequently moving in spite of careful holds. The few sliding scree sections were ridiculous to cross but the snow was good and the ice not too bad. Views from the Picture Puzzle summit were spectacular with the wind just starting up. The down climb was long and uneventful until a 3 x 4 boulder dislodged and rolled about 50 feet downward which added some real excitement and had me snugging my helmet straps. Got back to Ruwau Lake and hiked up Chocolate Peak which was well worth the views from the top. Took the Chocolate Lakes Loop back to the Bishop Pass to finish off another day of awesome hiking/climbing weather. As other reviewers have mentioned, the Bishop Pass Trail is in great shape for a very scenic hike. Highly recommend this trail but also Picture Puzzle for the scramble/climb/views and Chocolate Peaks for the hike/views.
Solo day hiked Fri 10/20/2023 – Spent the night at Forks campground and was lucky enough to see the Orionid meteor shower. Early hike on the Bishop Pass Trail out to Ruwau Lake and then up the north face of Picture Puzzle. The talus was fun to climb but more unstable than even Agassiz with some of the largest boulders frequently moving in spite of careful holds. The few sliding scree sections were ridiculous to cross but the snow was good and the ice not too bad. Views from the Picture Puzzle summit were spectacular with the wind just starting up. The down climb was long and uneventful until a 3 x 4 boulder dislodged and rolled about 50 feet downward which added some real excitement and had me snugging my helmet straps. Got back to Ruwau Lake and hiked up Chocolate Peak which was well worth the views from the top. Took the Chocolate Lakes Loop back to the Bishop Pass to finish off another day of awesome hiking/climbing weather. As other reviewers have mentioned, the Bishop Pass Trail is in great shape for a very scenic hike. Highly recommend this trail but also Picture Puzzle for the scramble/climb/views and Chocolate Peaks for the hike/views.
Solo day hiked Thurs 11/9/2023 – Hiked to Sam Mack Meadow using the North Fork Big Pine Creek & Palisade Glacier trails. Light snow and several icy trail sections to navigate on the North Fork while the Palisade was entirely covered with a nice layer of powdered snow with good grip. Felt like a winter hike with clear weather but a 19°F/-7°C cold morning at the meadow. Traversed the snow covered talus field at the meadow’s SW end and up the drainage chute towards Sam Mack Lake until my ice axe poked through a void/bridge. Couldn’t skirt the sides of the chute with its deep Bergschrund like crevasses next to the ridge walls so I traversed right to the class 3-4 ledges and ran into unclimbable ice on the rocks. Went further right and up the ledges to Sam Mack Lake which has its first layer of surface ice. Even with the warmth of the sun, winter is knocking on the door. Down and back to Fifth, Fourth and Black Lakes on beautiful loop trails on the way out with a stop at the Lon Chaney Cabin to cap off a great fall season in the Sierra. Was nice to see the spectacular fall colors and capitalize on an unusual number of clear weather days during the last half of this year. Logged 16.6 miles/4411 vertical ft. with Gaia ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Solo day hiked Fri 10/13/2023 – Early start up to the glacier after spending the night at Upper Sage Flat CG. Very scenic and gradual, steady climbing trail out to Sam Mack Meadow. Made a left turn at the trail sign in the meadow and went up the use trail to the base of the east lateral moraine. Took a southern most route up the moraine (climber’s left) to stay on the bigger boulders/talus and avoid the smaller scree slide sections which was pretty easy going (at least compared to the bishop pass side) and well cairned like others have said. From the top, you get an awesome view of the glacier and its proglacial lake while Starlight, North Palisade, Polemonium, Sill and Gayley tower above you. Headed down the other side of the moraine to the glacier and dropped off all my gear except for crampons/axe/helmet and climbed up southward to test the snow in the Glacier Notch chute from the storm 2 weeks ago and if the bergschrund was traversable. May want to wait a bit before going up Mt Sill and/or bring more equipment. The weather was once again perfect and the trek back was beautiful with stellar views of Buck Peak and Temple Crag in the background at each of the 3 lakes which were picturesque by themselves. Even with the creek flows still strong, all the water crossings were simple, especially if using poles as previously mentioned. Highly recommend this trail for a nice, long but beautiful hike. Logged 17.5 miles/4615 vertical ft. with Gaia
Solo day hiked Thurs 11/9/2023 – Hiked to Sam Mack Meadow using the North Fork Big Pine Creek & Palisade Glacier trails. Light snow and several icy trail sections to navigate on the North Fork while the Palisade was entirely covered with a nice layer of powdered snow with good grip. Felt like a winter hike with clear weather but a 19°F/-7°C cold morning at the meadow. Traversed the snow covered talus field at the meadow’s SW end and up the drainage chute towards Sam Mack Lake until my ice axe poked through a void/bridge. Couldn’t skirt the sides of the chute with its deep Bergschrund like crevasses next to the ridge walls so I traversed right to the class 3-4 ledges and ran into unclimbable ice on the rocks. Went further right and up the ledges to Sam Mack Lake which has its first layer of surface ice. Even with the warmth of the sun, winter is knocking on the door. Down and back to Fifth, Fourth and Black Lakes on beautiful loop trails on the way out with a stop at the Lon Chaney Cabin to cap off a great fall season in the Sierra. Was nice to see the spectacular fall colors and capitalize on an unusual number of clear weather days during the last half of this year. Logged 16.6 miles/4411 vertical ft. with Gaia ................................................................................................................................................................................... Solo day hiked Fri 10/13/2023 – Early start up to the glacier after spending the night at Upper Sage Flat CG. Very scenic and gradual, steady climbing trail out to Sam Mack Meadow. Made a left turn at the trail sign in the meadow and went up the use trail to the base of the east lateral moraine. Took a southern most route up the moraine (climber’s left) to stay on the bigger boulders/talus and avoid the smaller scree slide sections which was pretty easy going (at least compared to the bishop pass side) and well cairned like others have said. From the top, you get an awesome view of the glacier and its proglacial lake while Starlight, North Palisade, Polemonium, Sill and Gayley tower above you. Headed down the other side of the moraine to the glacier and dropped off all my gear except for crampons/axe/helmet and climbed up southward to test the snow in the Glacier Notch chute from the storm 2 weeks ago and if the bergschrund was traversable. May want to wait a bit before going up Mt Sill and/or bring more equipment. The weather was once again perfect and the trek back was beautiful with stellar views of Buck Peak and Temple Crag in the background at each of the 3 lakes which were picturesque by themselves. Even with the creek flows still strong, all the water crossings were simple, especially if using poles as previously mentioned. Highly recommend this trail for a nice, long but beautiful hike. Logged 17.5 miles/4615 vertical ft. with Gaia
Easier than I thought it would be considering it started above 10K in elevation. Lakes were kinda pretty. Disappointed that we didn’t see fall colors on this trail- no yellow or red leaves.
Beautiful. Very well-maintained trails. Two stream crossings with logs to walk across.
Solo day hiked Fri 10/20/2023 – Spent the night at Forks campground and was lucky enough to see the Orionid meteor shower. Early hike out to Ruwau Lake and then up the north face of Picture Puzzle. Went too far west and was climbing class 4 too early so back east (towards Cloudripper) and up the bigger north chute talus field to the right of the snow. Crossed to the left side of the chute near the top of the ridge and ran into a flock of mountain chickadees picking through the snow. The talus was fun to climb but more unstable than even Agassiz with some of the largest boulders frequently moving in spite of careful hold placement/testing. The few sliding scree sections were ridiculous to cross but the snow was good and the ice not too bad. Took the ledges around the pinnacles and climbed up the last one just north of the summit notch. Descended down to the NE couloir /notch after trying a few different routes and took off my pack for the last summit climb. Found 2 great chimneys that started from a point 30 feet down the notch’s west chute to start up the real summit which was a much easier ascent than what it looked like from the notch. Views from the summit were spectacular with the wind just starting up. Summit register was an empty water bottle with a note pad and a golf tee but no pen. The down climb was long and uneventful until a 3 x 4 boulder dislodged and rolled about 50 feet downward which added some real excitement and had me snugging my helmet straps. Got back to Ruwau Lake and hiked up Chocolate Peak which was well worth the views from the top. Took the Chocolate Lakes Loop back to Bishop Pass to finish off another day of awesome hiking/climbing weather. Highly recommend Picture Puzzle for the scramble/climb/views and Chocolate Peaks for the hike/views. Logged 10.5 miles/4103 vertical ft. with Gaia ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Solo hiked Thurs 10/5/2023 – Plenty of shooting stars on the way to Agassiz with a bright moon. Early start snow climbing the first 1500 ft. of Mt. Agassiz R/H west chute with axe and crampons until the snow wouldn’t hold. Then on to the SW rocks/slabs to the summit which was great fun and fast, good holds even with some ice and more snow from last week than I planned on. Spent an hour taking in the incredible views from the summit before heading down. Since the snow in the chute was unstable/unconsolidated with a few 1 foot diameter pinwheels mid slope and the warming weather, I decided not to descend on it. And so the rock down climbing trek began with choosing the steepest slope to right of the chute to try and make it down faster (larger down steps). It was fun for the first 1000 feet but just tiring for the last 1000. I would recommend waiting for either winter climbing snow or dry rocks as the snow and ice on the rocks dragged out a simple down climb. Couldn't resist trying to glissade the last 200 feet but the snow was too soft. Went out south past Bishop Pass to a Dusy Basin overlook to recover with an 1-1/2 hour lunchbreak before heading down to Bull Lake for another stop to enjoy perfect October weather for a bit. Longer day than I planned on but really enjoyed the trail on the way out. If you decide to go up the Agassiz, it needs a new summit canister as the current one is a cracked plastic container that was full of snow. I let the note pad dry for an hour before putting it in a few vented zip lock bags I had but the canister is useless. Logged 13.7 miles/4139 vertical ft. with Gaia
Mind blowing in every way. So many beautiful lakes. Pretty easy grade if you take your time. Views second to few
Solo hiked Fri 11/08/24 – Spent a quiet night at Cottonwood Pass TH with a few animals scurrying around in the moonlight but no other fellow campers. Started really early on the Pass Trail, taking the connector to the Cottonwood Lakes Trail in cold (-1 C/31 F) but clear weather which was actually warmer than planned. Reached Cottonwood Lakes 3 & 4 at first light with nice sunrise reflections off their partially iced over surfaces. Old Army Pass was in good shape with little snow and no ice, making for an easy ascent. The cairned route up Langley was just as I remembered from last year, straight forward but a bit of a slog. The views from the summit were really spectacular with the clearest weather I’ve experienced this fall in the Sierra. After coming down Langley, I stopped just short of New Army Pass and headed east to Army Pass Point, climbing the summit boulder stack before heading to New Army Pass. From the pass, I followed the 180 degree cirque which provides a steady incline for the entire route to Cirque Peak. This was absolute fun, hopping nice, easy slabs and stable rock for the entire way, a nice rest after Langley. There was one section of less cooperative rock just west of the summit that was easily bypassed by heading slightly to the south. The views off the Cirque summit toward Mt Langley and the Cottonwood Lakes were quite panoramic, easily worth the trip up by themselves. Continuing on a south-southwest ridge route, I climbed a few boulder stacks before reaching Peak 12525 which had 3-4 summit blocks adjacent to each other of relatively equal height. After climbing up and down what looked like the tallest, I followed the ridge line down and then up an unnamed peak before again descending the ridge as it wound around to the west-northwest face of Trailmaster Peak. Before going up Trailmaster, I surveyed the 1300 foot direct descent from the summit down the south-southwest scree slope to Chicken Spring Lake which would let me pick up the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail). Since I would be doing it in the dark by headlamp, I took note of several rock features to use as waypoints on the descent. Once moving again, I got to enjoy a brilliant sunset while ascending Trailmaster which took very little time. After enjoying the summit views for 10 minutes with the last bit of light quickly disappearing, I started the descent by headlamp and had good luck with the scree skiing, stopping frequently to verify my route by GPS. I was able to find the PCT after walking around the lake which always gives a sense of relief as the workload reduces to following the trail out while having a few snacks. I’ve always enjoyed evening hikes out of the wilderness and this one was no exception with a clear moonlit sky and no wind. The PCT took me to the Cottonwood Pass Trail which was a nice way back to complete the day’s loop. Another fun day with great weather and really nice views worth patiently stopping for. I could have shortened the hiking loop to a more sensible one by skipping Langley (I would strongly recommend) but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it! I brought 2.5L of water and 1L of electrolytes which was more than enough for me, although I brought a filter as backup. Since Horseshoe Meadows Road to the Cottonwood Trailheads is subject to seasonal closure, I would recommend calling the Eastern Sierra Visitor Center (and ranger station) at (760) 876-6200 to find out if the gates are open before heading up. Logged 23.8 miles / 5516 vertical ft with Gaia
Solo hiked Weds 09/28/2023 – Drove up and camped at Cottonwood Lakes Trailhead the night before and got an early start with a very bright Harvest Moon. The New Army Pass Trail is very postcard scenic along the Cottonwood Lakes (1 &2), Long Lake and High Lake. It takes you for a stroll before making you work a little on the switchbacks up to the pass. From New Army Pass to the Soldier Creek Trail Junction, it’s a normal hike. Then you really climb and scramble the rest of the way to the summit on some good rock with sand/loose scree between, very strenuous at altitude but a fun route. With warm, very clear weather and little wind, the 360° views from the summit were stunning with Whitney looking closer than its 5 miles would suggest. The 4 x 4 x 6 foot pyramid cairns marking the start of the scramble and last stretch up are not only helpful but works of art. Thought about climbing the NE face of Cirque Peak on the way down after lunch at New Army Pass but decided, based on time, to save it for another fun day. The type of day in the Sierra that lures you back. Logged 24.1 miles/4944 vertical ft. with Gaia
First time visiting the Eastern Sierras. Absolutely breathtaking! Camped in North Lake campground near the trailhead. Variety of dense pine forests, aspen groves, and incredible views of the Sierras once you get up close to the lake. Fishing was awesome. Nothing big but plenty of 8-9” Brookies, cut throat and rainbow
Solo hiked Mon 09/18/2023 – Beautiful trail into the John Muir Wilderness to the third Cottonwood Lake with the waterfall on the north end. Last but perfect acclimation hike 2 days before Whitney to make things more comfortable and reduce the risk of acute AMS. Hiked out and back from 10,000 to 11,000 feet, trailhead to Lake #3. Spent the night at the trailhead camp with a lot of very nice, considerate campers in clear weather, a little to the cold side. Logged 11.8 miles/1262 vertical ft. with Gaia.
Solo hiked Mon 10/21/24 – Got a midnight start with a nearly full moon to see the sunrise from the Whitney summit and it did not disappoint. Nibbled carbs all the way up with water but pushed harder going up Trail Crest than I should have to make the sunrise. Hiked up in a softshell and mid weight gloves but the summit was cold enough with a low wind (18°F on pocket thermo not counting wind chill) to add a down jacket and guide gloves. Once the sun was up, things warmed up nicely and the views were spectacular. Climbed Mt Muir’s summit block next which was the most fun of the day with a class 4 route up and a 3 coming down. Discovery Pinnacle was the last climb of the day, climbing the 2 highest pinnacles since the official pinnacle looked lower than its neighbor and there was enough time for both. I headed down a loose talus slope to rejoin the Whitney Trail right below Trail Crest which was the only real bad decision of the day as it took considerable time and effort to prevent the launch of any rocks downward towards the trail. I should have doubled back on the route ascended but what fun would that have been? Made it down to the 98th switchback before a moment of scree skiing, at which point I realized I was a bit tired for the pace and slowed things down a bit – best decision of the day. Conversed with quite a few people on the way down and made it back to the Portal Campground for some food, a fire and then some sleep. Amazing shoulder season weather not to be taken for granted kept things comfortable and provided awesome views for the entire day. It was less than two weeks ago coming down from Thor with snow, rain and wind on this trail. Logged 21.0 miles / 6669 vertical ft with Gaia
Beautiful x country. Just a few hard parts. Wimped out just below the ridge, but probably was pretty doable. Snow crossings were easy to get fertile dug in. No risks.
the trail is nice but too much sand! Would recommend to use gaiter to prevent the sand into your shoes.
The view was wonderful and due to the snow last night, there is no one hiking the trail and reach the summit of Langley that day. I saw only my footprint up and down.
Beautiful views. Not too steep, the snow was a little tough to cross so I’m glad I had brought poles. Lots of water on the trail from the heavy snow fall
Definition: see Dusy-Ershim trail.
Seriously ?!? This was 30 miles of boulder after boulder after tight spot between trees after boulder. Make a point to get to the meadows to see the lakes. They are gorgeous. Might want to bring an extra 5 gal of gas too.
Awesome views but crowded and can be hard to find parking at times. Get to Duck Lake for the JMT connect.
This was an amazing hike! The scenery was beautiful. It was a long day hike but very worth it. Be prepared for a long day or even a mult-day hike.
Great views and variation of lakes and streams. We’ll maintained trails although heavily used. Trout fishing along the lakes and streams. Beautiful day!
Beautiful hike. Lots of shade & water. The trail is mostly soft DG.
This was one of the most beautiful crazy one day hikes I’ve ever done. There were 3 of us and we hit the trail at 430am, expecting to summit and return in 12-15hrs based on our friends experiences. We chose to take the 99 switchbacks instead of the snow chute, which was dangerous because of all the snow and ice. I was really nervous because my teammates were using microspikes and not full crampons. We made it though and sumitted in 11hrs at 330pm. We stayed only 10 minutes at the summit because we were racing the Sun to try and glissade the snow chute before the snow froze for the night. We finished the glissade at 7pm and boy was it fast, icy and dangerous. That being said, having to descend the icy snow covered 99 switchbacks in the dark would have been more dangerous. It took us a full 20hrs and we made it back to the trailhead just after midnight!
Conditions were decent, but the snow and ice we experienced was the main reason we were delayed. Our group had some altitude sickness symptoms but diamox helped a lot. Wind was high at times, but mostly bearable.
Raw, vast and with new beauty each day. Blessed to have had the opportunity to walk through this magnificent part of the Sierra Nevada.
Great hike 26 hour hike. Started at 11pm got back at 1am 26 hours later. The crest trail the toughest part IMHO. It’s all in the open sun and no trees to get sun shade from. Next time I do it I’ll do a 2 day permit so I can see the lower half of the hike.
I parked at the Hilton Lakes trailhead which added about 3 miles to my hike. Next time, I’ll start at the mosquito flats trailhead. This hike was beautiful with a rushing river beside me during most of the hike and alpine lake after alpine lake culminating in the beautiful and aptly named Gem Lakes. I definitely want to make this a backpacking trip in the future adding additional trails and lakes. I’m so glad I made this trip.
Fantastic Hike easy trail to follow,vistas and surrounding were absolutely beautiful,lakes are stunning 🤩 went all the way to sixth Lakes,Next I will backpack and get to the Palisade Glacier,5th Lake was my favorite.
Highly recommend it,Happy Hiking
Went to the summit via the Horton Lake Trail and then the ridge from a bit on from the top of the switchbacks. The ridge route was really great. Some nice rock. Be a little careful of some loose rock sections especially if you are below something that could fall on you but generally great way up if you are aware. We descended down to the mine. Loads of talus, bit of a slog. On the way back did the small bonus peak the other side of the top of the switchbacks which was worth it also a great view looking back at Mt Tom.
Made sure I had rest. Started trail at 3:45 and made the summit at 12:45. Finished hike at 7. Make sure to take sufficient water.
I’ve been a lot of places but this is by far the most beautiful hike I’ve ever been on. Words can’t describe.
Plan a full day to Duk lake, kinda windy, gorgeous views…
A classic !!
This hike is grueling but so satisfying to accomplish. My wife and I started hiking a year and a half ago with the goal of conquering Mt. Whitney. We did it and we’re both glad we did but neither of us is eager to do it again. Mt. Whitney is truly king of the mountains.
Hard hike once you get to the pass. It was very hot coming back.
Duck Pass Trail out of Mammoth Lakes. Good weather, the forecasted high winds did not materialize.
Nice steady climb till it steepens up at the end on the switchbacks. Beautiful. Lakes are amazing.
Mosquitos were out in force about halfway up. The climb up was tough but the views made it all worthwhile. Once we set up camp the mosquitos chilled out. Don't forget bug spray, I did and my son paid dearly (they don't bother me much).
Not bad! We chose to head to Lake George rather than Blue Lake to reduce the amount of snow / ice. In that respect, this hike worked out. Until you get up to about 10k feet there was no snow, and not until 10-6 was there much at all. We had our micro spikes and gaiters with us but never used them (poles and some boot packing were enough).
The climb in the middle is a bit rough though!
We love this hike. Starts at 10,200 ft elevation, so don’t do it on your first day in the mountains, but mostly flat (about 500 ft elevation gain on granite stairs in a few places), and all along a creek and multiple lakes. Gorgeous views, and you can hike back really as far as you want. Long Lake is a good place to turn around, for a five miler.
Amazing from lakes all the way to the summit, except the bit where I got off track. 😋
This is a relatively easy and scenic loop to two high alpine lakes, with lots of craggy mountain vistas a few lakes and even some rushing creeks for good measure.
Quite passable first leg of hike from John Muir Ranch to Ward Lake ... need to work out rest of trip
This hike is gorgeous and very interesting. Between Sherwin and Valentine you walk through some twisty, short and fat cedar trees of some sort. Need to learn more about them! Not too hard but long, over 11 miles RT.
This was one of the toughest hikes compared to 6 peaks. We started around 1AM and luckily the weather was excellent!
First 2 1/2 miles no water very rocky throughout the hike. 5 miles up a canyon. Pretty once you get there.
Mountaineers Route up Mt Whitney. Great less traveled way up to the highest point of the lower 48.
Completed this hike on my birthday, June 30th. Gorgeous, well-maintained trail with great views.
Mount Whitney is not for the faint of heart. It is gorgeous though. In one day you can pass through three seasons. From summer to spring to winter but the hike is definitely strenuous. Started at 4:30 am and finished at 7 pm.
July 2020 Midday
Lots of mosquitoes near lakes, dry and sun blasted otherwise
Tough climb with heavy pack and dog
Difficult, with a steep accent but well worth it. Stunning views, streams crossing the trail in several spots, saw golden trout in the lake and in the stream. Also saw a red weasel catch a chipmunk. Great hike. Legs are sore today.
Best 25 days of my life! I did the John Muir 22 years ago, and will do it again this summer!
Started on Saturday 1am but didn’t get to the trail camp until 12pm. Totally underestimated altitude sickness and overpacked food.
Camped at trail camp for one night. It was quickly getting cold after 5pm as the shadow of the mountain covered the campground. Sun went down around 6:30pm.
Started Sunday morning around 8am to the summit. Finally got to the top at 2pm and got back down to trail camp around 6pm.
Collected all camping gear and headed down in darkness around 7pm. Got back to trailhead parking lot at 0:30am Monday.
The Laurel Canyon hike is 4.5 miles to the Laurel Lakes and the elevation gain is about 2700 ft. The trail is on an old mining road that hugs Laurel Mountain. I rated the hike only four stars due to the mining road, however the scenery in Laurel Canyon is five star spectacular.
The first 1.5 miles is pedestrian as one marches up the moraine. Be careful of the “no-see-ems” as they can be nasty. Then the road takes a turn and the splendor of the canyon is exposed. You will be treated to a magnificent water fall/rapids and the valley is teaming with wildlife.
During my hike the mountains were snow capped, the wildflowers in full bloom, adding to the peaceful setting. In summary a wonderful hike.
This is the best hike in the Mammoth Lakes Area. Quick access from lake George. Short steep and beautiful alpine scenery!
Summited 7/29/19 Very difficult but breathtakingly beautiful. Still a little snow right before the summit but I heard you can just scramble up the rocks, I just took the snow trail without micro spikes. This is the big one!
Trail is looking great, wet in areas but that shouldn't stop you. Snow fields are still covering trails around 10000 ft. but were being cleared before the T- storms started. Mosquitos are a problem right now due to standing water. Wear proper protection.
Long hike, saw four beautiful lakes. Mosquitos love these lakes.
Amazing lakes!! We just did 1st, 2nd and 3th lakes and it was beautiful!!
First backpacking trip. Did it solo with all the newbie mistakes and paranoia. Made it to Duck Lake and it was a tough climb up the pass. Ended up feeling the altitude and couldn’t eat and turned back. Hiked all the way back to the car, beat. Rented a hotel for the night and enjoyed a hot epsom bath and dominos pizza. Felt like a failure until I reflected on how much I actually learned. Next trip was much easier, efficient and amazing. Go hike Duck Lake!
Easy, beautiful hike to Gem Lakes. Walk close to the creek at the beginning, then ascend up some rock steps (~150 feet) and once you get to the top of the incline, go to your left (east) and look down on Mack Lake. Continue down the trail and you can close to the shoreline of Mack Lake. Continue on gently going slight up and slight down-hill... pass the turnoff to Marsh Lake to your left and continue on to beautiful Heart Lake. During the summer it’s usually somewhat crowded here. Continue along the lakeshore and then head uphill until you are overlooking Box Lake. As you continue on towards Long Lake you will have to do a stream crossing... early in the season you will probably get wet... the deeper you get into summer and the snow melt has weakened, you can cross on the rocks rather easily. (There is a possibility that you can take a somewhat defined trail off to your right and get to Long Lake - and hope that the logs someone has placed to cross the creek at Long Lake are still there). After you arrive at Long Lake you will walk near the lake for ~ 0.5 miles then begin another ascent... this is probably the steepest part of the trail... near the top you will see a sign to the left (east) that points you to Chickenfoot Lake. Chickenfoot Lake usually has campers there, it’s a fairly decent size lake so there is plenty of room to still enjoy the peace and quiet. Continuing on... after another 0.5 miles or so, you can see Chickenfoot Lake on your left... as you go along you will see the remains of an old truck frame to your right... Remember, this trail use to be an old mining road back in the day... you will cross one more stream by walking over some specially placed rocks (much easier than the Ling Lake crossing)... you as you start ascending towards Morgan Pass, be on the lookout for a trail to your right... it is right after about 5-10 stair steps... there use to be a sign that pointed you to Gem Lakes, but the last 3-4 times I’ve been to Gem Lakes the sign is nowhere to be found. Go down this path looking to your north (right) and see several small lakes or ponds... then arrive at Gem Lakes and enjoy the magnificent turquoise blue color of the lake. Return the way you came.
One additional note, this trail is so popular that if you don’t make it to the trailhead by 0800-ish on summer weekends you will have to park about 0.3 miles down the road. And if you don’t make it there by 0900-ish you might find yourself parking 0.5-0.75 miles (or further) from the trailhead! (I speak from experience!) Weekdays are not quite as bad... you can add an hour to the above times and probably be ok...
Have a great hike!
I wrote the description above. It gets 4 stars because it's just a great trip that I've done twice. It loses 1 star only because you have to use the shuttle system at Mammoth and because of the distance. I don't know why the track shows what it does. Here's mine: . Do note that I recorded this route leaving, so it goes from Iva Bell to the trailhead. Distance is 12ish miles with about 2,000 ft gain/loss on the round trip.
4 Months ago, 66, 43 lbs pack. Started in Onion Valley and spent the night at Flower Lake. Over the top to Bullfrog lake, out Whitney. The first day is always difficult, altitude is the culprit. That is why I spend the first night at Flower. The trail is not technically difficult, it it the altitude that will get to you. Once acclimated, then it is not hard, but that takes some time to get there. The lower lakes are wonderful.
We made this as a first leg of a backpacking trip to the Iva Bell hotsprings. From the Rainbow Falls trailhead all the way down to the valley floor. As soon as the final descent brings down to the Fish Creek, there is a lot of flat relatively open space that works great for making camp. From that location, another 4 miles along the Fish Creek Trail will bring to the hot springs area. The pools take some time to find them, there are use trails that run in the general direction of the pools. Moving up the slope one gets from one pool to the next but not necessarily in a straight line. The pools are warm; some are cleaner than others; they also vary by the quality of the bottom material. It is heavenly to soak in the warm relaxing water and gaze into the vast valley under the deep blue sky. The official trails are well marked and cross many streams. On a sunny dry day in late September, the trail was quite dusty to trod.The Iva Bell hotsprings area seems to be popular - there were at least 3 camping parties and more passing through.