Blue Pool
Type: Landscape
Season: Late Winter
Time of Day: Afternoon
Weather: Cloudy, threatening rain.
Light: Cloudy, spots of sun cutting in along the river
- River, the river follows a small valley
- Forest, there are some wide open forest patches
- Wooden foot bridges.
- Forest marsh, at a couple points the river splits with a small stream in a marshy landscape
- Cliff overlooking the river
- Blue Pool, check the light conditions and angles. The light needs to be above the cliff
- Bathroom
- Parking sucks, there is overflow parking but it can be a hike
Traffic: Low in bad weather, Extremely high in good weather
Difficulty: Easy, it does get a bit narrow in parts for the traffic.
Trail Conditions: Very muddy w/ standing water several inches deep. Parts of the trail were still covered in compacted snow.