Day 1: big creek parking to Laurel Gap Shelter. 11.4 miles. 4192’ Day 2: LAurel Gap shelter to CS48. 14.4 miles. 3774’ Day 3: CS48 to CS51. 15.4 miles. 4035’ Day 4: CS51 to CS46. 20.5 miles. 4448’ Day 5: CS46 to Exit. 13.0 miles. 3038’ Trail route: Day 1: Big creek hiker parking to Baxter Creek Trail to Mount Sterling Ridge Trail to Balsam Mtn Trail to Laurel Gap Shelter Day 2: Laurel Gap Shelter to Beech Gap Trail to Road (travel on road) to Beech Gap Trail to Hyatt Ridge Trail to Enloe Creek Trail to Chasteen Creek Trail to CS48. Bradley Fork Trail to CS48. Day 3: CS48 to Bradley Fork Trail to HWY441 (Cross the road) to Newton Bald Trail to Thomas Divide Trail to Deeplow Gap Trail to CS51. Day4: Indian Creek Trail to Deep Creek Trail to Martin’s Gap Trail to Sunkota Ridge Trail to Loop Trail to Indian Creek (0.3) to Stone Pile Gap Trail to Thomas Divide Trail to Indian Creek Motor Trail to Deeplow Gap Trail to Indian Creek Trail to CS46. Day 5: CS46 to Martin’s Gap Trail to Sunkota Ridge Trail to Newton Bald Trail to Mingus Creek to Exit.
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