1-20 miles
AllGetting out into the canyon off Prospect was great! Interesting new spot. The main loops of the Seven Wonders remain good, but many spots are super busy (particularly the wave itself).
Night hike through the seven wonders trail in the valley of fire. This is a controlled event by the park during the hunters moon cycle. The put down small lights to guide the way but the moons light is what shows the area. There’s scrambling and different terrain features to go through and around. Short but fun.
(I went clockwise.) The initial trudge through sand is annoying, but doesn't last long. I did not like the descent into the canyon because the thin layer of sand on uneven, smooth rock made me feel uncomfortable. (I broke my wrist on ice a couple of years ago, so I'm still shy about slippery surfaces.) Unsure of what lay ahead, I almost bailed on the hike, but decided to just take it slow and use my hands for extra points of contact. Once I reached the bottom, I never felt uneasy again.
The slot and the views were worth it.
This was an easy out and back trail..
The trail markers were placed well and simple to follow. Beautiful colors in the waves and other rock formations in this hike!
Great views. Better than some of the longer trails. Mouse canyon was even better.