1-20 miles
AllLake Tahoe is a beautiful place to relax and enjoy all the activities available. On this day we were paddle boarding Sand Harbour!!
Easy hike starting from sand harbor parking lot. Enjoy the boardwalk loop and head off a little towards the sand harbor lookout and loop back. Great views all along, best done close to sunset.
Classic Tahoe Ascent and Descent. Big snow, park in Sand Harbor, pay $15 for parking (ticket anywhere else). Walk road north to scenic turnout, cross street and skin track is there. Multiple routes up and down, as well as the classic Bear Scratch.
Nice trail to go to the beach but the loop is unmarked and goes through the historic lodge property.
Very nice walk along the lake. Moderately busy, but most people kept the six feet distancing recommendations. I wish everyone did to help slow down the spread of COVID-19 and save lives.