2.3 mi
1 hrs 9 min
635 ft
Elev Gain
Public Tracks
Drinking Horse Mountain Trail v2
Drinking Horse Mountain trail is a great little hike to take before a yummy breakfast in one of Bozeman's great local restaurants or maybe coffee with friends. The trailhead is just a few miles northeast of Bozeman, MT, on Rouse Ave (Which turns into Bridger Canyon Drive/MT 86). It's across the highway from the very popular "M" trail, and shares some space with the USF&W fish tech center. (On the way back to the car you can drop down along Bridger Creek and checkout the huge rainbow trout in the hatchery pond). Leaving the trailhead, the path in is lined with abundant chokecherries and you pass an aspen grove with sweet-singing Yellow Warblers. Kids like this trail but mostly the trail is used by hiking and running women of all ages. I'm an old retired guy but I'm convinced that Montana women will outlive us all and rule the world--they walk, hike, run and bike in numbers that far outnumber men.
Drinking Horse Mountain Trail v2
Drinking Horse Mountain trail is a great little hike to take before a yummy breakfast in one of Bozeman's great local restaurants or maybe coffee with friends. The trailhead is just a few miles northeast of Bozeman, MT, on Rouse Ave (Which turns into Bridger Canyon Drive/MT 86). It's across the highway from the very popular "M" trail, and shares some space with the USF&W fish tech center. (On the way back to the car you can drop down along Bridger Creek and checkout the huge rainbow trout in the hatchery pond). Leaving the trailhead, the path in is lined with abundant chokecherries and you pass an aspen grove with sweet-singing Yellow Warblers. Kids like this trail but mostly the trail is used by hiking and running women of all ages. I'm an old retired guy but I'm convinced that Montana women will outlive us all and rule the world--they walk, hike, run and bike in numbers that far outnumber men.