5.9 mi
2 hrs 44 min
1,282 ft
Elev Gain
Sights to See
Public Tracks
Pinnacles Bear Gulch, Rim, High Peaks Trails
Connected some trails I haven't taken yet. Started at Bear Gulch, worked through the caves then up across the Rim and High Peaks trails to come down Condor Gulch Trail. No condors today!
High Peaks-Condor Gulch Loop 6/17/16 10:23:30 AM
Added Moses Spring-Rim Trail Loop
Pinnacles national park. Beautiful views of rock gardens, lucked out on temperature. Caves were closed but looked great
Track (7/5/18, 10:06:43AM)
Hiking at pinnacles to hot ....also out of shape big time only 3miles and a 3.6