Jianjingshan via 宜專1
15.5 mi
7 hrs 41 min
5,246 ft
Elev Gain
This is a moderate one way trail in Taipingshan National Forest Recreation Area.
This trail goes by 24.5K, 24K, 23.5K, 見晴步道導覽牌, 禁止餵食, 大霸尖山, 見晴的視野, 23K, 22.5K, 22K, Jianjingshan, 21.5K, 21K, 20.5K, 20K, 19.5K, 19K, 18.5K, 18K, 17.5K, 17K, 16.5K, 16K, 白嶺苗圃, 15.5K, 15K, 14.5K, 白嶺巨木, 14K, 13.5K, 13K, 12.5K, 12K, 11.5K, 11K, 10K, 9.5K, 9K, 8.5K, 8K, 中間遊客中心, 太平山遊客中心, 蒸氣集材機, 7.5K, 7K, 6.5K, 6K, 5.5k, 5K, 4.5K, 4K, 3.5K, 3K, 2.5K, 2K, 1.5K, 1K, 中華號列車, 羅東林鐵1號蒸汽火車, and 0.5K.
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