South Prong Trail Loop
12.0 mi
6 hrs 26 min
1,772 ft
Elev Gain
This is a moderate loop trail in Monongahela National Forest.
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Views were incredible off of hidden passage trail. Two campsites off that trail. I’d suggest that you just do an in and out using South Prong to Hidden Passage (visit Hiking Upward for a map and info) and don’t do this loop. While the Canyon Rim Trail has a few visas, the entire trail is basically either a grove of rhododendrons overgrown or large boulders. It is very slow going and difficult. Tee Pee, the connector between Canyon Rim and Roaring Plains Trail, is either overgrown rhododendrons, large boulders, or bogs. I’d hate to see this entire loop if it had rained in the past two weeks. More importantly, out of everything, this loop was a total of 16.3 miles, not 12 miles.
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