12.5 mi
6 hrs 51 min
594 ft
Elev Gain
Public Tracks
Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment
This trip was intended to be a backpacking trip but ended up being a day hike with full packs! According to the Cumberland Trail website this section was supposed to 14.1 miles long. Also according to the Cumberland Trail website there was a backcountry campsite located at mile 11.7. From the beginning of this trail at the Devil's Breakfast table (Rock Formation) to Alley Ford (camp site location) there is no available camping areas as this section of the trail is located within the Catoosa WMA. However, we were informed by NPS Rangers at the Visitors center that if we had to camp in that section the closest we could get to the Obed River the better for camping because the areas near the banks of the Obed River are technically NPS land, not Catoosa WMA.
Areas of this trail were very difficult due to several downed trees that are unavoidable on the trail. You just got to climb over, under, or through them which can be a challenge with a full pack! Areas of this trail were also poorly marked/blazed. It rained on us for the first hour and half or so, which made several of the rocks very slick. I earned a very nice bruise on my butt check from one of several slip and slides. Once I even fell and hit face first as I slipped climbing up some wet rocks, that didn't feel good with the entire weight of my pack on my back.
When I looked at my Iphone and it showed we had gone 12.5 miles, we assumed we missed our campsite and continued hiking. Only to discover that at mile 13.3 (according to Gaia) we came across the path to the Alley Ford campsite. Thinking we only had 0.8 miles remaining, we elected to continue our journey rather than camping. About 3.3 miles later (again according to Gaia) we finally made it to the end of this hike to the area known as the Rock Creek Campground. It only took us 10 hours to make it there. Give your self plenty of time to shuttle between trailhead parking areas because they are almost about 20 minute apart from each other because you have to travel some Gravel roads.
I've never had Gaia be this far off from the Cumberland Trail website, so I'm not really sure who is right or wrong distance wise, but according to Gaia this trail is much longer than the advertised 14.1 miles!