Echo Canyon via Cat N the Hat and Fossil Canyon
3.8 mi
2 hrs 5 min
764 ft
Elev Gain
This is a moderate one way trail to Echo Canyon in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.
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Public Tracks
Echo Canyon/Fossil Canyon/Cat N the Hat/Bunny combo
This track is made up of bike/horse/hiking trails that converge at the Cowboy Trails/Stables just past Red Rock Canyon NCA entrance. Beautiful land and many different trails/links. This is an easy hike and I chose to go clockwise to do to the elevation first. If you love horses then their "gifts" on the first couple of miles of trail won't bother you, but if not be aware. Beautiful land and the look down into Echo Canyon is wonderful. So many options. This is a great quick make it as long as you want hike that is worth doing.