Embelle Wood
2.5 mi
1 hrs 19 min
282 ft
Elev Gain
This is a easy one way trail in Exmoor National Park.
This trail goes by Culbone Wood and Embelle Wood.
Rate this Hike
The section of the hike this represents is as advertised. However, from the County Gate end, the ‘hike to the hike’ from the nearest parking is long and very steep, with nowhere to park close to the ‘flatter bit’. I certainly wouldn’t rate it ‘easy’ from a level of fitness perspective, so be warned if you are looking for a more gentle ‘stroll’ in the area. Also, don’t forget to double the distance since you are going to have to double back.
In other words, the area is beautiful, as are these trails. The reason for the low rating is that the section shown is only a small part of the story.
Hope this helps!
Public Tracks
There are no published trips for this hike. There are 8 private trips.
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