Pico Turista via Sendero Cerro López and Camino al Refugio López
3.2 mi
1 hrs 1 min
4,058 ft
Elev Gain
This is a difficult one way trail to Pico Turista in Reserva de Biósfera Andina Norpatagonica Centro.
This trail goes by Roca Negra, Descanso del Piedrero, Refugio López, Laguna La Hoya, Punta Negra, and Cerro López.
This is an alternate route for Refugio López.
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Cerro Lopez
Fun hike/scramble down by Lago Moreno, this one is pretty short, but the trail is steep. You can take an alternate start up to refugio extrano encantado (lol) on a road for extra views and then up a sweet ridge and down to Refugio Lopez. Fun little scramble after to Cerro Lopez with great views of Tronador and Brazo Tristeza.