
Blue Mountain via Appalachian Trail

based on 5 tracks & routes
#4 hike out of 29 in
emailEmail directions Driving Directions
15.6 mi
8 hrs 29 min
1,319 ft
Elev Gain

Public Tracks

yiwonk 7 years, 10 months ago
3108 Tuckers Ln, Fauquier County, VA, USA
Rainy on and off throughout the route made the trail muddy and slippery. I had to be more cautious but it did stop me from jogging every so often to make it back the car before noon. Missed by an hour but reduced the time by 4 hours from the very first hike on the same route Calves and groins are aching. I am happy I did the hike alone rather staying at home doing nothing. Good job Iwon!