
Baughman Rock Overlook Loop via Baughman Trail

based on 4 tracks & routes #13 hike out of 15 in
6.2 mi
3 hrs 31 min
801 ft
Elev Gain


This is a moderate loop trail to Baughman Rock Overlook in Ohiopyle State Park.

This trail goes by Flatrock.

    Rate this Hike

    4 years ago
    Awesome hiking path! All uphill the first half then a nice downhill for the second. Trail is well marked and easy to follow. I hit one mud spot but was able to get around pretty easily. It was decently rocky and next time I’ll wear my better hiking boots. The uphill is rather quiet, but about halfway down the second half you can start to hear cars from both roads near you. Wasn’t an issue but thought it should be mentioned since the road work they’re currently doing does make things a bit louder with the big trucks coming through.
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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