
Road A Loop

based on 5 tracks & routes
#7 hike out of 9 in
emailEmail directions Driving Directions
11.6 mi
6 hrs 32 min
978 ft
Elev Gain

Public Tracks

Nicholas Heilweil 11 years, 7 months ago
Rob: Taylor Mountain
Really confusing due to poor signage. We got lost several times, thinking we were taking the correct fork. Some of the signs are totally missing, and we ended up walking on the road for 2 miles when we didn't need to. This would be a great hike with a bit of maintenance. Warning - lots of horse poo. :(
robert.arora 11 years, 7 months ago
Taylor Mountain
Really confusing due to poor signage. We got lost several times, thinking we were taking the correct fork. Some of the signs are totally missing, and we ended up walking on the road for 2 miles when we didn't need to. This would be a great hike with a bit of maintenance. Warning - lots of horse poo. :(