Appalachian National Scenic Trail, MD section 1
5.6 mi
3 hrs 3 min
791 ft
Elev Gain
This is a moderate one way trail in Hagerstown Watershed.
This trail goes by High Rock and Raven Rock.
This is an alternate route for High Rock via Appalachian National Scenic Trail.
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This is a great "rally challenge" hike for a short day. The "climb" the High Rock is fairly steep, but made challenging by the rocky trail. I had intended to do a ham radio "activations" from High Rock and Quirauk Mtn. My son and I got a late start and had to drop a car at Raven Rock Rd, then ferry up to Pen Mar to the state line for the start. We decided to forgo the activation and instead to rally the trail. The climb to the rock was a challenge so we took a breather and late lunch at High Rock to see the changing leaf color. From the rock, we cruised south along the AT to enjoy the cool day and changing leaves. This would be a perfect short "overnighter" for a slower group with a stop at the Raven Rock Shelter area.
Two downsides, the fallen leaves disguise the rocks in the trail at this time of year which adds to the rocky scramble challenge. Unfortunately, the horde of weekend "car hikers" who drive to the rock make it busy and crowded, but there were still some areas one could sit without being bothered.