Schulman Grove Loop
5.2 mi
2 hrs 43 min
889 ft
Elev Gain
This is a moderate loop trail in Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest.
This trail goes by Schulman Grove.
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Solo day hiked Weds 11/15/2023 – Short stop on the way out from White/Barcroft mountains. Nice to see the oldest Great Basin Bristlecone Pine, the Methuselah Tree, and think about all it has endured over 4800+ years and that it’s the oldest living organism in the world. You would never guess its stature when walking by it as it is not an overly large tree for its age. Really makes you think about the timelessness of the Great Basin area. Glad its location is unpublicized to keep it protected from the “carvers” and summit register destroyers. As others have said, the loop trail is well maintained as it winds its way both up and down the hillside. Definitely worth your time to do the whole loop. I’ll have to come back and see Dead Sentry, Pine Alpha and the other notable trees on the adjacent trail.