South Sister
This is a moderate to strenuous loop trail to South Sister in Deschutes National Forest.
Edit: Whomever posted a 5.6 hour round trip must be operating under the following conditions:
1 - summer season with snow largely absent (August or later)
2 - very fit young person with mountain running exeperience
3- excellent weather allowing for light clothing and gear
4 - bragging
This trip with full snow conditions (ice axe, crampons, winter gear) is a very strenuous all-day or even overnight situation. In any season, running shoes are totally inappropriate. The lava is rough and steep. You'll cross steep snow until very late in the season, and need to kick steps or use those in place, which can be slick. Minimum footgear hiking shoes with traction devices. The trail is not easy to find in places with snow- download the Gaia track.
Parking on the roadway is not a great idea. It only adds ¼ mile of easy walking to park at the parking lot, which has a toilet, and doesn't expose your car to every passing driver.
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