McGee Pass
17.2 mi
8 hrs 47 min
4,039 ft
Elev Gain
This is a difficult out and back trail to McGee Pass in Inyo National Forest.
This trail goes by McGee Backpacker CG and Little McGee Lake.
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I'm very fond of this trail. It's a nice entrance to the JMT and the Silver Divide. I've done this hike at least a half dozen times since 1989, and it doesn't get old. Starting at the trailhead from the east, there are quaking aspen groves along McGee Creek, and three meadows before arriving at Big McGee Lake. (With a heavy backpack, that's about a seven-hour trip for me.) It's all scree from there to the pass, so booties for the dog are needed. It's much less traveled than the less arduous class 1 hikes, and the trail is well groomed to include a granite staircase with a spectacular view looking back toward the creek canyon. Starting at the JMT, adjacent to Tully Hole on the western side, it seems like more of a monotonous hike up to the pass and down to Big McGee Lake with no shade starting at about the halfway point up to the pass, but it's no less beautiful. Water is not an issue on either approach.