Henstep 4X4 Drivable Trail
4.9 mi
3 hrs 5 min
292 ft
Elev Gain
This is a easy one way trail in Bald Eagle State Forest.
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Henstep trail is fun but not for the faint of heart if you dont like pen stripping your jeep. It is very rocky the first 3.75 miles and one way and no way to turn around so once you start it your on for the whole thing. No go arounds for obsticals .. we only needed spotter 2 times the rest you can self navigate . Hit bottom cross member 3 times on stock jeep. Lots and lots of pen stripping so if you got a mall crawler and dont want scatches on your jeep stay away from here lol.. other than that it was alot of fun.
Public Tracks
A few really good spots but generally slow, rocky, and extremely tight.