2.6 mi
1 hrs 17 min
659 ft
Elev Gain
Sights to See
Public Tracks
Hawksbill Loop Hike
2.9-mile circuit
2-hours hiking time
860-foot elevation gain
From the north end of the Hawksbill Gap parking area at mile
45.5, take the short connector trail to the Appalachian Trail (A.T.).
At the trail post, turn left onto the A.T. south. Continue on the A.T.
south to the trail post indicating the Salamander Trail. Go left onto
the blue-blazed Salamander Trail and follow it to the summit. Be
sure to take the short trail past the shelter to the viewing platform.
To return to the parking area be sure to take the blue-blazed
Lower (NOT the Upper) Hawksbill Trail
Track (9/4/22, 11:49:27)
68. Partly cloudy, relatively cool, great temperature. Easy hike with Dabney. Great flowers on bottom section, which he really enjoyed.
Hawksbill Summit
Saw a beautiful buck and two eagle parents playing with their offspring in the sky