16.7 mi
8 hrs 11 min
4,094 ft
Elev Gain
Sights to See
Public Tracks
Great Smoky National Park - Mount Sterling Summit via Big Creek, Swallow Fork, and Benton MacKaye Trails
Weekend trip with some buddies to the northern end of Great Smoky National Park. 4100 feet of elevation gain to bag this summit. An old steel lookout tower provides an outstanding view at the top, although it was much to cold to enjoy it too much when we went. Night-time temps on the mountain were at 4 degrees F. Burrrr.
Big Creek Loop, Mt. Sterling, Smokies (3/23/18)
Beautiful loop trail in the Eastern Smokies. Peak at Mt. Sterling and hike along many beautiful creeks and rivers. This is a challenging, but very worthwhile hike. We camped at site 37 and Mt. Sterling Peak. 37 Was beautiful and both camping areas had plenty of space.