8.0 mi
3 hrs 55 min
2,198 ft
Elev Gain
Sights to See
Public Tracks
Colchuck Lake Hike/Camp - Sep. 2016 and Oct. 2017
Not actual GAIA track, but route taken to camp at Colchuck Lake in 2016, day hike into core zone, and fall hike to Colchuck Lake in 2017.
Colchuck Lake TH to Isolation Lake
Start from Colchuck Lake TH and get up Aasgard Pass to set up camp by Isolation Lake.
2018.06.17 The Enchantments D1 Stuart LK TH to Tranquil LK
[Stuart LK TH] → Stuart LK TR → Colchuck LK TR → [Tranquil LK]
Track (8/2/19, 5:21:36AM)
Went from the Stuart lake trailhead to the top of Asgard Pass
Stuart Lake Trailhead to Colchuck Trail, Chelan County, WA, USA
9 miles out and back