Mount Jefferson via Caps Ridge Trail
The first half of this trail, to the junction with the Link Trail, is a moderate or perhaps easy moderate hike. Just before the junction there is a nice lookout point to enjoy the scenery. Just .2 mile further along you hit the first of several "caps" that give the trail it's name. Each of these requires a scramble to surmount and care in descending. From the junction a reasonable hiking pace is probably under 1 mph. Above the junction with the Cornice trail, as you ascend the summit cone the trail is very rough and in cloud/fog it can be difficult to follow the carins. The summit is very craggy without much room to enjoy the views (if there are any. Descent can be difficult especially if the rocks are wet or have any icy glaze. As you descend there are bootleg trails that have attempted to circumvent the descents over the "caps." Most of these bootlegs just peter out as hikers reconsidered and climbed back up to the official trace. Descent, depending on how nimble you are can actually be slower than ascent so give yourself plenty of time.
Getting Started
Trail starts at the south end of the parking lot off the Jefferson Notch Road right by the trail kiosk.
Taking Children
I would not take a child younger than 12 on this trail or at least above the junction with the Link Trail unless they had experience in these conditions already. The whole trail as a child-friendly hike? Maybe 3.
Sights to See
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