
Green Mountain National Forest Hike

based on 26 tracks & routes
#62 hike out of 177 in
emailEmail directions Driving Directions
6.6 mi
3 hrs 1 min
2,239 ft
Elev Gain

Public Tracks

HikerSinger 6 years, 1 month ago
Dorset, 94 of Winter New England 100 Highest
Another "Spring" day in the beautiful southern Greens. Returned to Dorset for a Winter turn this time. Sections of trail along the logging road beyond Tower Road were without snow, but by 1600' it was more consistently several inches deep except around some of the water bars. Followed a snowshoe track up to a point a couple hundred yards from the junction with the old ridge logging road, where a tree had fallen. The snowshoe track just stopped there and they seem to have turned around, as there was no other noticeable track beyond that point. I knew where I was going, though. Well, I knew where I was going, but I ended up preoccupied enough to miss the "traditional" turn off the ridge logging road. No matter, though, as I realized at the one after, and took it since I figured it would likely head straight for the summit or intersect with the herd path between the north (summit proper) and south (old tower) peaks. Thankfully it did end up intersecting, and I found that whole section of the herd path to the summit had been broken out by a snowmobile at one point (close quarters for such a thing!). At the summit, the sign is gone but the canister was there (this one opens from the top). I couldn't find any register entries since late October (Beaupre/Haynes on 10/27 and Harley on 10/29). Hopefully the sign lay beneath the 2-ish feet of snow on the summit somewhere... Took the traditional herd path over to the North summit to visit the old tower again, then "whacked" down to join the traditional herd path and eventually the ridge logging road again. Had fun along the way in a few places, "snowshoe skiing/glissading" down stretches with enough snow to allow it. Above that downed tree, was breaking trail and sunk up to 12-15" down in places mostly because the snow was so soft from two days with temps in the upper 40s; not terrible, though. Overall there doesn't seem to be more than maybe 2-3 feet of snow on this mountain up high - less than a foot down low. Took a total time of just under four hours -- 2h15m up, 1h30m down. 94 of Winter NE 100
sdragoon1989 1 year, 2 months ago
Grayson781 1 year, 9 months ago
Melissa 3 years, 10 months ago
Lauren Dustin 3 years, 11 months ago
aherrington1881 4 years, 7 months ago
brumbaughsofgroton 5 years, 7 months ago