A hike through Mt. Holyoke Range and Skinner State Parks
7.4 mi
3 hrs 35 min
782 ft
Elev Gain
This hike is a moderately-strenuous out and back (~10.8 mi) or one-way (~5.4 mi) hike through Mt. Holyoke Range and Skinner State Parks. It includes hiking over Bare Mtn., Mt. Hitchcock, and Mount Holyoke, and based on the route's elevation profile, it is often referred to as a hike of the Seven Sisters.
This hike and trail also goes by the Mt. Holyoke Summit House.
Getting Started
Parking is available on Mountain Rd. (sometimes referred to as Old Mountain Rd.) in Hadley, MA. This road is a dirt road and one-way only. Parking is also available at the Mt. Holyoke Range State Park Visitor's Center, also referred to as The Notch area. Car spotting between the two parking areas requires ~12 mins driving time.
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