Pine City Trail
3.9 mi
2 hrs 25 min
141 ft
Elev Gain
This is a easy out and back trail in Joshua Tree National Park.
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The NPS brochure map is misleading. The trail does not lead to the Pine City site. The map takes you past the short turnoff to Pine City and ends at a high point overlooking a rugged canyon. If you are skilled in off-trail hiking and route finding you can follow that canyon down to the East Entrance station. To get to Pine City itself, retrace the trail back to a large boulder area. We noted a vertical white granite dike in the boulder pile that was somewhat reminiscent of a waterfall. That gap between boulder piles is the Pine City complex. There is a number of Pinyon Pines in the area. I did not spot any remains of the old mining camp that once was there.