Eureka Gulch 2.0
4.1 mi
1 hrs 47 min
2,383 ft
Elev Gain
This is a moderate one way trail in Colorado.
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Public Tracks
Statistics computed from imported data<br><br>Wednesday, August 27, 2008 2:21 PM MDT<br>Distance: 4.1 miles<br>Duration: 32 minutes and 15 seconds<br>Average Speed: 7.6 mph<br>Minimum Elevation: 10034 feet<br>Maximum Elevation: 12431 feet<br>Total climb: 2434 feet<br>Total descent: 37 feet
Eureka Gulch 2.0
Eureka Gulch is a story about the Sunnyside Mine and associated Sunnyside Mill, about a disappearing lake and about a 2015 mine spill by the EPA that contaminated the Animas River for hundreds of miles.
Eureka Gulch 2.0
Eureka Gulch is a story about the Sunnyside Mine and associated Sunnyside Mill, about a disappearing lake and about a 2015 mine spill by the EPA that contaminated the Animas River for hundreds of miles.