
Knob Peak Lookout Road and Cow Gulch Road

based on 41 tracks & routes
#146 hike out of 162 in
emailEmail directions Driving Directions
5.2 mi
2 hrs 30 min
1,969 ft
Elev Gain

Public Tracks

Eric Simmen 3 years, 11 months ago
Knob Peak Fire Lookout-In Bound.
Road travels through open, logged, and recovering burned areas for first 1/3 to 1/2 of trip. The road is not in the best shape, don't need 4-wheel-drive. The rolling dips are impede travel and are poorly sculpted. Some good views if the valley isn't full of haze. I did not walk up to the fire lookout from the gate. It was steep, I was lacking motivation, and the light for photography was harsh and hazy. The trail passes through or adjacent to fenced private property near the peak. This is Backcountry Adventures, Northern California, North Coast #11, Knob Peak Trail. It is rated as a 1 and that is fair. My rating, not much to write home about.
robertgammie 9 years, 8 months ago
robertgammie 9 years, 8 months ago

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