Rob: Coyote Wall & Catherine Creek #2
Trip #2 (two days in a row, but different paths):On the second day we started the hike farther down the old highway. We discovered this part was called Labryinth. It's such a beautiful valley, we would have loved to stay there but wanted to make it to the wall today. The beginning is so beautiful, but unfortunately it doesn't stay that way. You go through areas that are just fields, winding your way back and forth, very boring. You pass a home on the mountain with a funny note posted - "Unless you're lost or fatally injured, leave us alone!" More stark hills and then an abrupt cliff, Coyote Wall. If your afraid of heights, stay away from the edge! The scenery is just amazing... pictures don't do it justice. Had lunch here, watching eagles fly and a few bikes go by. Again, not a great run down.