trail_hike_comments: An excellent loop which travels around the bottom of a unique valley. This is the "Cradle of Forestry in America", where modern forestry techniques were first developed, taught & practiced. Trail is mostly level with a few small hills on north side of loop. Many bridged stream crossings & boardwalks over boggy areas on south side of loop. Mixed forest; lots of very large White Pines & (dying) Hemlocks. Rest of forest is oaks & cove hardwoods. Unique beaver dams near outer portion of loop; trail was previously flooded by them but boardwalks and a bypass were completed in early 2013 so you can hike the whole loop and stay dry. Dying forest in this area due to flooding; interesting transition. Very large fern gardens & open woods near outer end of loop. Rhododendron & Mtn. Laurel tunnels on N. Side. Near parking area, pass through wildlife fields. Mountains to Sea Trail cuts across center of loop, for possible shorter loop., trail_bike_comments: Seasonal Use Only. Note: only north half of loop is open to bikes. Rhododendron & Mtn. Laurel tunnels. Trail travels through some open fields on old, narrow roadbed. Undulates up and down near beginning at picnic area; then drops thru a fun downhill in woods carpeted with ferns to the intersection with extension to the gaging station on the river.
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